Make the table bigger
We cross the country talking to people from all walks of life and ideologies because we like it, and why not? We like being surprised, inspired, even irritated by the people we meet. Face to face conversations are so much better — and so different — than what passes for online communication. These conversations expand our understanding of how people live and make us want to add more chairs to our table. We think they might do the same for you.
Building a company with a conscience
We have been part of non-profits before. They can do amazing things. However, to do their amazing things they need to raise money — all the time. We are trying a different approach. We are creating a business — an apparel company — designed to give 50% of its profits to the organizations whose stories we tell. As we grow, our impact grows — and these organizations grow. Our signature product, the Neighborhoodie, will not only keep you warm, it will also make an impact on people’s lives. Plus, you’ll look damn good wearing it. It seems worth a try.
The Neighborhoodies

Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.Â
John Muir